Sunday , 30 March 2025

RC18 Building – Spring Retainers

RC18 Building - Lost Spring Retainers
A second spring retainer can help keep you going in a race!
Secure Spring Cups
While bashing around your 18T, have you ever lost one of those pesky spring cups… ending your day of fun?? Here’s a quick (and easy) fix that will help prevent those cups from ‘springing’ out!!! NOTE: If you are using the stock shocks, you will be required to purchase AE Part #21191 for this mod. If you are upgrading to the Factory Team Threaded Shock Kit (AE Part #21216/21217), you can use your stock plastic upper spring retainer to complete this mod.

1. You will need a this upper spring retainer…either out of a new package or off your stock plastic shock kit.

2. Flip the retainer and install on the bottom of the shock, then re-install the lower spring retainer back into place.

3. Re-install shock onto your vehicle.

You should now be ready to go!!!! No more lost spring cups!

RC18 Building - Lost Spring Retainers

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