Over the past year, we have received growing inquiries for APS “SPEEDREX” (pre-mounted SOREX tires) from hobby retailers and race organizers who are looking for better quality tires with real true value (performance + consistency + excellent racing experience + durability). A decision is finally made and we are delighted to announce the return of APS “SPEEDREX” , the best tire choice delivering top performance, real value to the RC world.
Choice of major championship and race series !
2008 REEDY Race of Champions – Control Tires
2008/09 NWIC Indoor Championship Series – Spec. Tires
2008/09 NE Grand Slam Indoor Series – one of the Spec. Tires
Dominance in 2008 Ohio State Championship
2007/08 NWIC Indoor Championship Series – Spec. Tires
2006/07 NWIC Indoor Championship Series – Spec. Tires
Choice of compounds
APS40428 (28R compound)
APS40432 (32R compound)
APS40436 (36R compound)
[source: www.aps-racing.net]
Say, my MAC isn’t letting me click on any of the links under the Team Associated TC6.1 build blog. My TC6.1 is in the mail right now, and I’d love to be able to read your build first. Is this problem due to my computer, your website, or have you just not made the links available yet? Thank you for your attention to this issue.
– Jason Ross
Nothing wrong on your end…I’ve been a little busy and slacking on uploading my build 🙂 I’ll start working on that section soon…give ya some good reading before you jump into yours!