Next week on Tuesday, April 24, AVID is bringing you the utmost in precision and performance with new springs for 10th scale 12mm big-bore shocks. AVID precision springs offer several advantages over conventional shock springs:
1. The labels are custom printed to show the average spring rate (in lb/in) for each batch of springs after they’ve passed our quality check. We ensure that the labeled rate on the packaging is as close as possible to the springs you are getting inside the bag. AVID springs are checked in-house with precision spring testing equipment.
2. AVID springs are raw, un-coated ASTM spec spring wire which ensures consistent spring rates and prevents mis-matched spring pairs. They are easily polished for a “factory” look.
a. Traditional coated springs have a powder coating to protect the wire, but the coating differs in stiffness from the wire. Vendors normally have to compensate by adjusting the wire diameter and number of coils, but as the powder coating breaks down, you’re left with a spring that isn’t the same as when you installed it.
b. Coatings can lead to inconsistent spring rates within a production batch leaving racers to guess whether or not their left and right shock springs are the same.
3. Each set of front or rear springs uses identical wire diameter, varying only the number of coils. This allows for the tightest possible grouping of spring rates, and the most consistent production conditions from batch to batch.
4. AVID springs come with pre-cut colored shrink tube in a labeled snap-top tube for storage to keep each spring pair together.
These springs fit the Team Losi 22 and 22T, Kyosho RB5, RB5T, Durango DEX410, DEX210 and B4/T4/SC10 shocks converted for big bore springs (AVID spring cups #1012 and collar adapters #1014 coming soon!). Spring sets will be available first, with individual springs to follow. Check www.avidrc.com for more information and you can register to get an email notification when the parts are available.
AVID Precision Springs Sets (available Tuesday, April 24)
1200-SET 12mm buggy/truck rear spring set, 3 pr.
White, Yellow, Red $22.00
1201-SET 12mm buggy front spring set, 4 pr.
White, Yellow, Red, Purple $29.00
1202-SET 12mm truck front spring set, 3 pr.
White, Yellow, Red $22.00
1200-12.50 12mm buggy/truck rear spring, 12.50 coil
White $9.00
1200-11.75 12mm buggy/truck rear spring, 11.75 coil
Yellow $9.00
1200-11.00 12mm buggy/truck rear spring, 11.00 coil
Red $9.00
1201-9.25 12mm buggy front spring, 9.25 coil
White $9.00
1201-8.50 12mm buggy front spring, 8.50 coil
Yellow $9.00
1201-7.75 12mm buggy front spring, 7.75 coil
Red $9.00
1201-7.25 12mm buggy front spring, 7.25 coil
Purple $9.00
1202-9.50 12mm truck front spring, 9.50 coil
White $9.00
1202-9.00 12mm truck front spring, 9.00 coil
Yellow $9.00
1202-8.50 12mm truck front spring, 8.50 coil
Red $9.00
[source: www.avidrc.com]