LIMITED PRODUCTION OF 60 CONVERSIONS – ONCE THEY ARE GONE IT WILL BE DISCONTINUED! From the maker of the first narrow LiPo chassis for side LiPo placement touring cars.
Concept LiPo conversion for the Tamiya EVO5 and EVO5ms. This is the car to have in the competitive stock touring and VTA classes! This chassis set is designed for stock type motors and has the opening in the top plate to work correctly with just smaller spur gears and large pinions used in 13.5- 21.5 type blinky classes. Because of this the largest spur gear that can be used must be 34mm diameter or smaller. If you insist on using larger spur gears then you might need to add shims under the top plate to raise it up.
This conversion brings your shaft drive car up to current standards with key features such as:
• Ultra narrow chassis layout for reduced chassis scrub. Only 84mm wide!
• 2mm thick USA made chassis and top plate for superb flex traits for rubber tire racing.
• LiPo cradle system with adjustable sliding holders (forward or back or in or out) for preferred weight balance.
• Tape-less yet tweak free LiPo locking tabs- the same locking tabs successfuly used on our F1 chassis program for several years. Turn the tabs 90 degrees for quick removal of the battery.
• Can accept shorty packs! Some taller shorty packs may require you to raise up the top plate with shims.
• Hanging servo mount system to reduce chassis scrub (low profile servos are required).
• Top plate is drilled to accept EVO5 or EVO5ms motor mounts.
$129.95 MSRP
Tamiya EVO5 or EVO5ms, low profile servo and alloy servo horn are required.
For experienced racers.
[source: www.exotekracing.com]