The new 60C Race Edition 4000 Lipo Battery features industry standard bullet ports and comes with a Deans connector wire set complete with Align style balance plug! 60C for high output racing conditions! Look no further, this is your next race pack! This is the first of our “Lite” series packs, with lower weight and center of gravity but still plenty of punch and the Milli-Amps needed to finish in front of the pack! We took our short pack cell and stretched it into a standard pack, so you have the lowered weight without needing to re-balance the chassis. Be sure to use a voltage cut off if your speed control doesn’t come equipped with one. Always charge with a charge safe lipo bag, like the RCE2007. Only use a charger specifically designed for Li-Poly cells like the SureCharge 2010 Pro, #RCESC2010.
Dimensions – 139x47x23
Weight in grams – 226
[source: www.racers-edge.com]