The all new Revtech battery line is designed for serious racing. Highest voltage output batteries we sell. These are the packs that just a short time were not available to anyone but team racers. Now Trinity through our Revtech line is able to bring these great Li-Po packs to the average racer.
REV2018 6800mAh, 3.7v, 1s, 100c Bullet $110.00
REV2019 6500mAh, 3.7v, 1s, 100c Bullet $125.00
REV2020 6900mAh, 7.4v, 2s, 100c Deans $210.00
REV2021 6900mAh, 7.4v, 2s, 100c Bullet $210.00
REV2022 4500mAh, 7.4v, 2s, 100c Double Deuce $175.00
[source: www.teamtrinity.com]