Until now the only way to tighten or remove the pinion bolt on a Lisi 5ive is ti hold it with a pair of pliers. Doing this can damage your pinion. Team FastEddy now offers Pinion Wrenches for the Losi 5IVE-T
Made of 1/8th inch stainless steel they are up to the task or removing even the tightest of pinion bolts without damaging your gear. They also make installing your pinion bolt a snap. Offered in all the popular gear sizes.
For more info: www.TeamFastEddy.com
Now available:
18T – 1322-TFE (Now)
19T – 1323-TFE (Now)
20T – 1324-TFE (14 Days)
[source: www.teamfasteddy.com]